Oman will plunge into Russian culture with the Russian Seasons project

In 2025, the Sultanate of Oman will become a venue for the grandiose international project "Russian Seasons". This was announced by Russian Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova. The large-scale program is timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations

"Russian Seasons promises to be a bright cultural event. The guests can expect a tour of outstanding Russian theaters, exhibitions of masterpieces from the collections of the country's largest museums, educational events, master classes and a rich children's program. This is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the rich heritage of Russian culture.

In addition, Lyubimova and Oman's Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth Said bin Sultan Al-Busaidi discussed cooperation in the library sphere. The Russian federal institutions offered to organize book exchanges for young people, round tables, cultural events and assist in the restoration of Omani book monuments.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Culture announced the holding of "Russian Seasons" in 2025 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This grandiose project is designed to strengthen cultural ties and mutual understanding between peoples.

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Oman will plunge into Russian culture with the Russian Seasons project

Duration: 8 hours

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Oman will plunge into Russian culture with the Russian Seasons project

Duration: 8 hours